Maureen Scanlon
My Dog Is My Relationship Coach/Maureen Scanlon/Certified Lifecoach, Relationship Expert, Speaker, Podcast Host
Full Bio...
Maureen Scanlon is the founder and CEO of Maureen Scanlon Life coaching. She is an Award-winning Author, relationship expert, and professional speaker who helps individuals from young adults to seniors with their soul identity, self-confidence and limiting beliefs about themselves. She focuses her coaching on helping others discover who they really are when they are alone to expand their mind and experience life with exhilaration. She’s been named a Top 20 Coach by Life coach Code and Coaching Federation.
Maureen has been featured on 3TV Good Morning Arizona, 3TV Your Life AZ, ABC15 Sonoran Living, Voyage Phoenix Magazine, and numerous podcast guest appearances and radio shows.
Her first book “My Dog is More Enlightened Than I Am“ has won awards from Author Shout, Top 12 book pick list from Spirited Woman, and National Indie Excellence Award with a 5 Star rating on Amazon.
**Her 2nd book “My Dog is My Relationship Coach” has received multiple awards including New York City Big Book Award, Reader Views, Az Authors Association, and Amazon 5 Star Best Seller.